Cabrillo Makerspace Participates in The Partnerships for Industry and Education (PIE) contest

Today, the growing use of digital fabrication, rapid prototyping, and advanced manufacturing processes in industry has created a new demand for workers with a blend of STEM-based digital design skills. To help meet the demand of a new work force, the California Economic Summit created the Partnerships for Industry and Education (PIE) initiative to promote efforts by employers and educators to work together to meet regional and state workforce needs.

Cabrillo Makerspace in partnership with Goodwill Central Coast has been addressing this demand. Internships are offered to students - giving them the opportunity to apply their newly acquired STEM-based digital skills. This collaboration between Cabrillo Makerspace and Goodwill Central Coast was recently highlighted in the PIE contest. Kudos goto Courtney Cogan, Anne Guthrie, Richard Cheathamm and Mary Govaars who have worked hard matching the best students candidates for the job.